Our technology

a next-generation, point-of-care diagnostic platform built for rapid diagnosis and antibiotic susceptibility testing.

CAPTURE Platform

How does the CAPTURE Platform work?

Confirming Active Pathogens Through Unamplified RNA Expression, technology is built to function independently of a lab. CAPTURE can test for hundreds of pathogens in under one hour and can deliver an antibiotic sensitivity report in an additional two hours.

Over 5000 tests have been run in our lab to develop this technique which is designed to deliver 98% specificity and 98% sensitivity. After identification, an Antibiotic Susceptibility Test can be accomplished with a second cartridge using growth media and periodic pathogen counts in controlled or antibiotic wells.

This video shows how the CAPTURE Platform identifies pathogens through their RNA.

The magic is in the cartridge.

See inside the portable instrument that reads the cartridge

Utilizing a disposable cartridge system that promotes affordable and quick diagnosis, the GeneCapture model seeks to maximize applications across a variety of unmet medical needs, while promoting easy patient access. GeneCapture is able to leverage the powerful platform it has built to service multiple complex diagnostic needs.

The raw urine, blood or swab sample is inserted directly into the universal cartridge, which is engineered such that the RNA is extracted directly from the sample.

A built-in nano-library of billions of germ-matching probes identify the pathogen(s) in an hour without a lab, or refrigeration or user experience. The raw urine, blood or swab sample is inserted directly into the cartridge. The single-use cartridge is processed in a small portable instrument.


Universal cartridge

The power of antibiotic susceptibility testing (AST).

By combining the versatile AST cartridge with the rapid ID cartridge, GeneCapture is able to offer a ‘first in kind’ solution  --  diagnosis and treat – on site.

Antibiotics are life savers – but only if they are used when needed, otherwise they weaken our bodies to future threats.  Our platform, which is in development, can test the right antibiotic on YOUR sample to get it right.  This empowers the patient to see a quicker, more effective treatment that improves outcomes, reduces costs, and minimizes resistance… All powered by a clever cartridge.

Read more about our contract with the Defense Health Agency to develop this platform.

In this sample, both Klebsiella Pneumonia and Staph Aureus were present and identified.  Four antibiotics were tested on the sample; two showed susceptibility to the Kp, but only one showed susceptibility to Sa. This data represents a breakthrough in on-site treatment – multipathogen & multi-antibiotic.

Susceptibility is reported within 90 minutes.

CAPTURE Platform

Bring the test and the results directly to patients; not to the lab.

CAPTURE’s Testing Modalities





  • Faster diagnosis enables faster, better treatment, improving patient outcomes, reducing costs, and shortening hospital stays.

  • Knowing which antibiotic is best suited for YOUR sample reduces antimicrobial resistance, promotes earlier treatment and reduces costs.

  • With no PCR, there is no need for reagent refrigeration. Simplifies storage, transport and operation.

  • Affordable and scalable, CAPTURE makes it possible to address large markets at low cost.


With capabilities to rapidly detect bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites - CAPTURE enables solutions opportunities across multiple applications.  Different probes, same cartridge - all at point-of-care.

For example, At clinics and doctors’ offices, for women’s health in the widely underserved UTI market, military and civilian wound management, biothreats, infection management at borders, cruise ships, refugee camps, food security testing, and inspection.


CAPTURE’s diagnostic and antibiotic susceptibility testing platform is preparing for upcoming pivotal studies for submission to FDA and is pursing pilot studies for USDA briefing.


GeneCapture has partnered with and collaborated with many experts in the field, both clinical and academic.

DoD funding of over $8 Million along with private investment and competition winnings have supported the inventive technology that is now in operating prototypes.

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