Paula Millirons

Chief Scientist & Principal Investigator

Paula is a dedicated scientist with a passion for molecular biology and chemistry. Her expertise in the areas of thermodynamics and genetics brought a skill-set to GeneCapture and an opportunity to deliver a next-generation point-of-care diagnostic that has the potential to transform pathogen identification and treatment.

Paula’s Story: Chief Scientist Paula Millirons was searching for applications research opportunities in the health field when she met CEO Peggy Sammon on the soccer field sidelines where their daughters played on the same team. That chance meet-up led to a perfect match with GeneCapture.

Paula earned a Master’s Degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Harvard University after earning a bachelor’s Degree from Rhodes College.

Paula’s experience filled an essential role at GeneCapture - developing the rapid protocol for the direct RNA hybridization from a raw sample. Paula became the scientist-leader of the new lab team and serves as Principal Investigator on the contracts for technology development with various Department of Defense agencies. 

Paula, a natural tutor, teacher, and leader with a commitment to applied research, has developed a team of scientists and biomedical engineers to optimize the clinical assay, develop the on-site Antibiotic Susceptibility Test, and begin the pre-clinical and clinical studies for commercialization.